Have a computer question? Need help with e-books & e-audiobooks? Stumped by your new smartphone? We’re here for you!
We provide free one-on-one help sessions for your technology questions.
We can help with:
- Basic computer questions
- Downloading library e-books and e-audiobooks to your e-reader, tablet or other device
- Using an iPad, Kindle, tablet or smartphone
- Setting up an email, Facebook, Skype or other account
- Addressing other specific technology-related questions
When requesting your appointment, please remember:
- Appointments are scheduled based on staff availability; you may book one 30-minute session at a time and have up to two sessions per month.
- If you can’t make your scheduled time, simply call in advance to let us know so it won’t count as one of your two sessions.
- Staff are unable to troubleshoot or repair devices. The library is not liable for any damage to customer equipment that may occur during a help session.
- Staff may not be able to provide assistance for all device types, programs, and problems.