Friends of the Polk County Public Libraries


The purpose of this Organization shall be to contribute to positive relations between the Library and its constituents by working within the Library Director’s guidelines and the Library’s current objectives to stimulate gifts to the Library and promote support and knowledge of, and inform interest in the resources, services, facilities and needs of the library.

Join the Friends

Anyone may join FOPCPL at a cost of $10.00 for individuals, $15.00 for family membership, and $100.00 for life membership.  Membership forms are available at the Libraries or you can download a copy here.

Friends of the Libraries Board

  • Diana Blanton, President
  • Rebekah Morse, Vice President
  • Robin Rice, Secretary
  • Joan Beck
  • Marcie Dowling, Library Director
  • Martine House
  • Jodie Jackson
  • Lois Machida
  • Kim McCool
  • Garland Rice
  • Ruth Richardson
  • Cynthia Strickland