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So far admin has created 121 blog entries.

September 18, 2018: On the path to success, one book at a time

September 18, 2018 For more information, contact: Jen Pace Dickenson Phone: 828-894-8721 x284 jdickenson@polklibrary.org On the path to success, one book at a time COLUMBUS, N. C., (September 18, 2018) ­– Families are invited to join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at Polk County Public Libraries! 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a [...]

September 18, 2018: On the path to success, one book at a time2018-10-02T11:58:15-04:00

September 11, 2018: Lynda.com now available from Polk County Public Libraries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2018 For more information, contact: Jen Pace Dickenson Phone: 828-894-8721 x284 jdickenson@polklibrary.org Lynda.com now available to PCPL patrons COLUMBUS, N. C., (September 11, 2018) ­– Lynda.com, an online training website where you can learn skills in a wide variety of topics, is now available free of charge through [...]

September 11, 2018: Lynda.com now available from Polk County Public Libraries2018-10-02T12:02:51-04:00

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a nationwide challenge that encourages parents and caregivers to regularly read aloud to their children. Reading to children from an early age provides them with essential early literacy skills and prepares them to enter kindergarten. Most importantly, sharing books with children promotes a lifelong love of books and [...]

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten2022-12-28T12:47:38-05:00

September 3, 2018: StudentAccess coming to Polk County

September 3, 2018 For more information, contact: Jen Pace Dickenson Phone: 828-894-8721 x284 jdickenson@polklibrary.org StudentAccess coming to Polk County COLUMBUS, N. C., (September 3, 2018) ­– Starting in October, students enrolled at Polk County Schools can become instant members of Polk County Public Libraries through a new program called StudentAccess. As part of [...]

September 3, 2018: StudentAccess coming to Polk County2018-10-02T12:04:03-04:00

July 10, 2018: PCPL’s 2018 Summer Reading Program

July 10, 2018 For more information, contact: Jen Pace Dickenson Phone: 828-894-8721 x227 jdickenson@polklibrary.org PCPL’s 2018 Summer Reading Program COLUMBUS, N. C., (July 10, 2018) – Rock and roll into summer at Polk County Public Libraries! The 2018 summer reading program, “Libraries Rock,” is now in full swing. It’s important to keep reading skills sharp [...]

July 10, 2018: PCPL’s 2018 Summer Reading Program2018-07-10T10:39:37-04:00

June 13, 2018: Kalimba Concert at Columbus Library

June 13, 2018For more information, contact: Jen Dickenson Phone: 828-894-8721 x227 jdickenson@polklibrary.org Kalimba concert at Columbus Library COLUMBUS, N. C., (June 13, 2018) ­– World-renowned musician Kevin Spears will present a concert featuring modern kalimba music on Tuesday, June 19 at 6pm at Columbus Library. This event is free and open to the public. He [...]

June 13, 2018: Kalimba Concert at Columbus Library2018-06-13T14:42:45-04:00
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