Columbus Storytime
09/13/2023 , 10:30 AM at PCPL Columbus

Join us for books, songs, and a fun craft or activity! Storytime is designed for ages 2-5.
Saluda Library: Tuesdays @ 10:30
Columbus Library: Wednesdays @ 10:30

Dance Parties w/ Polk County Parks & Rec – 2nd week of the month following storytime

  • Saluda Library: Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14
  • Columbus Library: Sept 13, Oct 11, Nov 15


Teen Scene
09/13/2023 , 3:30 PM at PCPL Columbus

Teen Scene
*6th-12th Graders Only*
Alternating Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm
Columbus Library

Sept 13: Choose Your Own Adventure
Spend time with your friends and choose what activity you want to participate in: video games (practice for next week’s Mario Kart tournament), Dungeons & Dragons, board games, crafting, or just hang out! We will also have snacks, including an international taste test featuring foods from Indonesia.

Sept 27: Chopped Culinary Challenge
We will divide into teams. Each team gets a mystery basket filled with random foods. The challenge is to combine all the foods into a creative dish! Please register for this program by Sept. 22 with Jen at


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