Kids Craft: Cork Boat
06/04/2024 , 12:00 AM

*Please note that this will be the last month for Take & Make kits. Starting in July, we will offer a quarterly kit (every three months) for all ages that features a community focused craft/art project.*

June Take & Make
Kids (preK-5th grade): Cork Boat


Pages at the Park
06/04/2024 , 6:30 PM

Pages at the Park
1st Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm

June 4 – Stearns Park, Columbus
July 2 – Sassoon Park at Tryon Fine Arts Center
August 6 – McCreery Park, Saluda

Meet Polk County Public Libraries outside this summer for a relaxing evening of reading at a local park! Bring a book, blanket or chair, and join us! Readers are also welcome to pack a picnic for this event.

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